Blondie & Brownie

Ring-a-Ling, Ring-a-Ling, It's Ring Dings

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Anyone who's been to a Joe the Art of Coffee knows that they store some of their delicious treats in glass canisters. A very smart idea, especially if you like to give your customers some good variety. A few weeks ago, that variety led to me trying Tumbador's Chocolate Ring Dings!!

I've tried Tumbador's chocolates before, but only heard about the Li'l Devils about a year ago when they appeared at Murray's Cheese. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to pick one up at all during the year, so when I saw them at Joe's during my morning coffee pickup, I HAD to get one!

Oh moist, fluffy chocolate cake surrounding sweet, but not cloying, cream center. Just the right ration of cake and cream. Better than any other devil's food filled with cream snack of my childhood, mainly since it is noticeably fresher. All held together by a thin coating of dark chocolate, thank God Joe's doesn't have you all the time. I'd get very fat.

Tumbador Chocolates
Found around NYC, and available for online purchase

Joe the Art of Coffee
Graybar Passage, Grand Central Station
Lexington Avenue between 44th and 43rd Street